2020 brought lots of surprises for almost every one of us, we all get affected with it from little kids to all grownups. Whenever there is a problem, solutions are always there but we need to have the eyes to find that out. Looking at the business side in Covid 19, there has been a massive hit in most of the business but when you look at the businesses who were already online or were accessible to work online bounced back.
Digital marketing is already seeing a lot of encouragement from last years but 2020 has done a complete shift, where cars are getting electric while business are getting digital. The powerful Digital Marketing got more recognition in 2020, where everyone has this very refreshing thought that things are possible only with internet. Businesses not having online representations in 2020 got hit badly. It has become huge in demand to embrace your business with digital marketing.
Our youth in 2020 are fully aware what going around them, the tactics businesses use to engage them and the future holding so much of interaction among consumers and businesses. There has been a shift to market business as digital marketers are entering in the era to target Gen Z, you must have witnessed more videos, more music and bold content.
Generation Z can be marketed with the experience and not the product. They need proof referrals! They are aware of changing dynamics of today’s market. They need answers to their questions so engagement is also very necessary. As a digital marketer it is exciting to serve and experience Generation Z but it is challenging at the same time! Let’s not stop here as challenges give birth to solutions!
Written By : Moniza Shafi (omni tribe UK)